Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Max’s “B” School

Max is 3 years, 7 months old.  We recently started using Little Hands To Heaven preschool program that’s adjustable for ages 2 – 5 by Heart of Dakota.  I’m trying to post enough to give you an accurate idea of what is covered in Little Hands To Heaven, yet leave it vague enough that you can’t use this post as a replacement for the teacher’s manual.  It’s full of fun ideas and activities to fill 20 – 30 minutes per day with active, creative learning that is centered on Christ. 

Unit 2 was about the letter B and its sound, the number 2, and (mainly) the story of Noah.  

Here, both of my boys are acting out Noah’s story by pretending they’ve just stepped off the ark & into the bright sunshine.


I can’t remember what this was about…but it’s cute Smile


making rainbows to remind us of God’s promise


I didn’t think Max would have the patience for a ripped paper rainbow, but he did an excellent job!  Alex (5) had to get in on this project, too!


driving cars on a masking tape B


painting a big uppercase B



finding & coloring the uppercase and lowercase Bs, then drawing a line to connect the uppercase and lowercase Bs.  (The Hide & Seek letter pages are found in the teacher’s manual, but I purchased a used manual & the pages were written on.  I made my own printable version of these pages, but I do not feel comfortable offering these as a download since they are copyrighted in the manual.)


Max drew caterpillars and counted them.  I wrote the numbers in the boxes.


learning number 2, tracing 2 hands
(again, my own version of the sheet provided in the manual)



sink  & float activity

First, I had Max predict which would sink and which would float.


Next, we tried it out.



When we finished, I asked Max to correctly sort the objects on the sink/float papers. 
We talked about his guesses and what really happened when we put those items in the water.


Each day, he did one front/back in his Rod & Staff “About Threes” book and one activity from the Never Bored Kid 4 –5 book.   These are not part of LHTH, but the Rod & Staff books are often used along with LHTH.  Another great preschool option is the Developing The Early Learner series.  I’m linking to Amazon so you can view some pages from the books, but I’d recommend buying the early learner books from Rainbow Resource to get the best price.  (Rainbow Resource is NOT an affiliate link, if it matters…)

Max BEGS to do more workbook pages, but his mean mama won’t let him. Open-mouthed smile





Disclosure: this post contains an affiliate link to Amazon.com.

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