Friday, January 17, 2014

Teddy Bear Toast

There’s a pin floating around on Pinterest and Facebook right now for the most adorable, SIMPLE teddy bear toast

We saw it this morning, and we just had to give it a try.  I shared it on my Little Monkey Printables Facebook page just for fun.

We made it for lunch today, and some friends of our did too!  We’ve shared our pictures on Facebook, and I’d like to invite you to do the sameCLICK HERE to see our pictures, and please feel free to add your own picture in the comments of the Facebook post.

We used Nutella due to a peanut butter allergy, and our friends subbed chocolate chips for the raisins.  It’s easy to change up this recipe to suit any taste buds!
teddy bear toast

This would be the PERFECT lunch on a Corduroy The Bear fun day! 
CLICK HERE to read our post filled with Corduroy The Bear activities.

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